The History of ISMpak
The Dodge truck outside the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
The Dodge truck pictured is loaded with icing sugar in 25kg bags.
Before World War II, sugar was distributed to manufacturers and grocers in bulk bags of 70 Ib (approx. 32kg) and 56 Ib (25kg) each of which had to be loaded and unloaded manually – the days of the forklift and pallet were well in the future.
For domestic users, grocers would repack sugar into small brown bags.
Darlinghurst Site
As world commercial trade resumed after World War II, ISM purchased the latest designs in milling and packaging equipment. They were placed in the recently acquired and expanded property in Riley Street. Increased space in the new facility meant that smaller factories – in Bathurst Street, City and in Camperdown – were closed.
With the new plant, ISM were able to match the needs of the developing supermarkets and it was from Riley Street that the first boxed cartons of table sugar and icing sugars were introduced to the Australian grocery market.
Operations continued at this site until 1970 and then transferred to Mascot.
Violet Crumble Bar delivery truck
In the early years of the company’s operations many of the customers were confectionery manufacturers – Lifesavers, Wrigleys, Rowntrees, MacRobertson, Smalls Chocolates.
We also delivered to many wholesalers, so it was of mutual benefit that two-way arrangements were negotiated whereby we supplied the icing sugar and also acted as a distribution agent for various confectionery brands. The delivery truck pictured is promoting Hoadleys and their highly popular Violet Crumble Bar.
The Brown Bag Co. Filling Machine
Another ISM packaging first was the introduction, in 1954, of single-serve sachets of sugar to meet the needs of airlines, cafes, motels, and hospitality outlets generally.
As sachet-style packaging spread to other products, equipment evolved into larger, faster, and more sophisticated machines and ISM has continued to invest and innovate to remain a leader in this field.
ISM Mascot Factory
ISM moved to a factory in Mascot in 1970 and continued to grow the business there for another 38 years until the move to North Rocks in 2008.
ISM North Rocks Factory
ISM moved to the current site at North Rocks. This modern manufacturing plant has allowed ISM to grow the Foodservice range and contract packing offerings.
In July 2021, ISM combined both the Sydney & Melbourne companies to become ISMpak.
In July 2021, ISM became ISMpak.